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So, I randomly gained sound effects in level 3... Also, I like that you're having a conversation through the tutorial. When's the release with full voice acting coming out?

Really fun game! Love the tutorial level, its new that you're having a conversation with the game haha! I would recommend fixing the walking into solid, it seems to be flicking whenever you walk into a solid item. 

GREAT GAME!! I liked the use of instructions at the beginning of the game that displayed as you progressed, I would add some more audio for things like, breaking bricks, collecting coins, adding time, etc. and fix some minor bugs such as not taking damage when destroying enemies, destroying the character when the timer gets to zero, and not dying when you return to a previous point in the game or jumping off screen above everything within the layout.

Great Levels! For the third level I like how there are two different ways to get the blue key. Also I noticed if the Koala moves off the Layout it's gameover. It would be wise to add the bound to layout behavior. I also noticed on the third level that the platform is a little high before you get the blue key I'd recommend lowering it a bit so it's easier to jump across, if you decide not to though. For the first tutorial level I think it would be good to talk about jump key pressing and that depending on how fast you press or hold the key down it will help you understand how high you jump.

IT's an enjoyable game and i like how the zoom out look feels but the insta-death from going off screen feels too punishing